Developing partnerships – Cathy (2)


Cathy was involved in creating a tool that would help connect researchers and patients


Sometimes even you see it in the newspaper where researchers are looking for patients to be part of their project. I would think the network also that’s there because different universities, different research centres have that network. I don’t know whether there’s a public forum that you could use? I know one of the things though that is important, depending on what level you want patient involvement, I’m talking about research and how they want patient involvement, then you need to make sure it’s a good fit. If you’ve got more than one patient involved, you don’t want everybody to be the same, you need diversity and you need different experiences, but you also need a good fit in terms of expressing opinions and getting along, and kind of background experiences. I was part of the development of a form to use to kind of match patient collaborators with researchers, and that might be something too that research individuals could look at to find maybe guidelines for how to find those matches. But again, I’m just an ordinary person who kind of got lucky in getting involved in this, so there are other things I’m sure that researchers can tap into that I know nothing about.

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